SXSW 2005: How to Leverage Solipsism

Unfortunately, neither Peterme nor Stewart could make it to this panel (Jeff filled in for Peter as a very chipper moderator, Tantek sat in, in his 50th panel for the week), but despite the lineup mishaps, the (rather obliquely titled) panel delivered.

Both Thomas Vander Wal and Don Turnbull gave well organized and refreshing looks at free tagging. Thomas spoke mostly in terms of personal information management, and Don put it within the larger information sciences context.

My biggest fear about this panel was that the ground would have been so well covered at this point that it would not be worthwhile, but the different perspectives was really engaging and triggered some new lines of thought for me. This was definitely one of the better panels I was at this year.

See also: Folksonomy Talks: Information Architects Surpass Techies for ETECH and IA Summit comparisons on similar topic matter (also, Seb’s IA Summit Notes).