Probably worth updating on election day right?

We’ve been busy little bees over the past week. That and trying to juggle work work, outside work, etc can be a bit demanding.

  • Wesley Clark was on campus last night, and he’s very sharp, and the Q&A was great. Both great questions, and by and large, well thought out and insightful answers. There definitely are two very starkly different strategic visions for America, and it’s too bad that hasn’t been delineated or discussed more during the campaign. Clark would be a great Secretary of Defense. His depth of knowledge and facility with the facts was impressive.
  • Voted this morning of course. LA Weekly helped with the propositions.
  • We’re tapping into a big need for big file hosting for policiatl/social events like this. “indy akamai” as a friend put it. Definitely will be more followup on this. We’ll have a full post mortem when we get a breather
  • We got a Wired News writeup this morning, which was great: Download Movies Before You Vote
  • We hit #1 on Popdex and Daypop over the weekend before ceding the top spot to more worthwhile related stories