Guardian Unlimited: After Abu Ghraib – goddammit, and half the country still wants to re-elect Bush?

Alazawi says that US guards left her sitting on the chair overnight, and that the next day they took her to a room known by detainees as “the torturing place”. “The US officer told us: ‘If you don’t confess we will torture you. So you have to confess.’ My hands were handcuffed. They took off my boots and stood me in the mud with my face against the wall. I could hear women and men shouting and weeping. I recognised one of the cries as my brother Mu’taz. I wanted to see what was going on so I tried to move the cloth from my eyes. When I did, I fainted.”

We killed one of her brothers in custody, and tortured/confined her for eigth months. Her two surviving brothers remain in Abu Ghraib, all because an Iraqi informant’s report (part of a blackmail scheme). Words fail to describe what I”m feeling right now.

They hate us for our freedom, do they? I think not.