An interesting phish got missed by one of my spam filters (these days I’m using’s filter (LSA-based), BrightMail (hybrid), and CRM114 (SBPH/Markovian), with Procmail doing the sorting):

It was pretty obviously a phish, but’s HTML rendering (it loaded the map even w/ images turned off?) and the nested encoded image-map url within proper link is pretty clever:

<lt;A HREF=""><lt;map name="FPMap0"><lt;area coords="0, 0, 610, 275" shape="rect" href="http://%31%34%38%2E%32%34%34%2E%39%33%2E%39:%34%39%30%33/%63%69%74/%69%6E%64%65%78%2E%68%74%6D"><lt;/map><lt;img SRC="" border="0" usemap="#FPMap0"><lt;/A>

Too bad doesn’t have a show-only text option. Maybe it’s time to up the mime defanging in procmail.
