So I’ve been poking around the new Blogger (quite nice) and its new features. I enabled my profile for kicks and it looks like it counts by userid. This got me interested enough to see who else w/ a lower account ID had their profiles enabled. 250 clicks later, it looks like the only profiles earlier enabled are Ev and Biz.

I probably could have written the script in about the same time… to run increment while gEBTG(‘h1’)[0].firstChild.nodeValue == “Profile Not Available”… OK, anyway a few thoughts

  • Link the profiles up w/ ACLs or Orkut and you’d get… LiveJournal?
  • The hot keys should really cancel the events so they don’t trigger browser UI stuff if possible (event.cancelBubble(), e.preventDefault()/e.stopPropagation()) (see js)
  • Hey, didn’t I mention I was going to do an analysis of GMail code? I think I’ll try to get around to that soon…