Washington Post: A Wretched New Picture Of America

Among the corrosive lies a nation at war tells itself is that the glory — the lofty goals announced beforehand, the victories, the liberation of the oppressed — belongs to the country as a whole; but the failure — the accidents, the uncounted civilian dead, the crimes and atrocities — is always exceptional. Noble goals flow naturally from a noble people; the occasional act of barbarity is always the work of individuals, unaccountable, confusing and indigestible to the national conscience.

(/me hangs head in shame)

Also, still waiting for Bush’s apology to the prisoners, Iraq, and the American public.

It seems the president is allergic not just to the words but to the concept of responsibility that underlies them. To apologize would be to admit he’d made a mistake. And mistakes are forbidden in the Bush White House.

  • Rape Rooms: A ChronologyWhat Bush said as the Iraq prison scandal unfolded. — this set of Bushisms is less funny.