A huge media circus surrounds Pat Tillman’s death, but not a single news source (searched via Google and Google News) had his brother’s eulogy. Here it is via The Uncivil Litigator:

Thanks Pat. [toasting him with a glass of Guiness beer]
I didn’t write shit because I’m not a writer. I’m not just going to sit
here and break down on you. But thanks for coming. Pat’s a fucking
champion and always will be. Just make no mistake, he’d want me to say
this: He’s not with God. He’s fucking dead. He’s not religious. So, thanks for your thoughts, but he’s fucking dead.

Rich Tillman, younger borther of Pat Tillman, holds up a glass of beer during a memorial service for Tillman in San Jose, Calif., Monday, May 3, 2004. Tillman, a member of the Army's elite Ranger unit since 2002, died in Afghanistan April 22 in a firefight near the Pakistan border. (AP Photo/Gene Lower, Pool)
. GENE LOWER (ap_photo - mardi 4 mai 2004, 4h29)

For those of you with preconceptions of the ‘jock turned soldier’ (I’m looking at you Rall, you ass), check out SFGate’s writeup. If our leaders had half the spine, heart, and perceptiveness as Tillman, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are now.

Tillman talked about everything, with everyone. According to the speakers, he had read the Bible, the Koran, the Book of Mormon, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and he underlined passages constantly. Garwood recalled how he’d mail articles to friends, highlighting certain parts and writing in
the margins: “Let’s discuss.” A quotation from Emerson, found underlined in
Tillman’s readings, adorned the program.

It concluded with this: “But the great man is he who in the midst of the
crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”

(some more insightful followup on Pat Tillman, media coverage, and Rall’s stupidity @ Monkey Media Report)