I finally got around to setting up postfix, courier, procmail, getmail, and crm114 all up on my server. It was surprisingly painful considering I already had postfix and courier working. I’ve not figured out why mutt is being a pain…

In any case, I’m now training CRM114. Having done only a few dozen error corrections, it’s already starting to get pretty good. Hopefully I’ll have enough volume in the next couple of weeks to really get it well trained, and then never have to worry about it again.

Training involves forwarding erroneous mail back to yourself prepended with a ‘spam’ or ‘nonspam’ command and your password. Since Apple’s Mail.app doesn’t do full-source forwarding by default, I wrote to AppleScripts to automate the process (one of Apple’s included scripts gets you half-way there). They send out an email automatically as spam/nonspam (stripping the bad X-CRM114-Status line as well) and either delete or move to the inbox as appropriate. (I also have procmail set up to move the training results into its own folder)

Rename the last part to whatever you want your key command to be, and put it in your ~/Library/Scripts/Mail Scripts/ folder.

Lastly, I want to reiterate how much AppleScript documentation sucks total ass. The Language Guide is useless since it doesn’t have any references to basic operations (so, if Google doesn’t turn anything useful up on applescript string parsing, you’re up a creek – this stuff isn’t in the application dictionaries either…). Basically, the only way to get anything done is to dig around until you find an AppleScript that does something similar.