Noticed that I had 20 Mozilla windows open. Just added up my open tabs… 201. That’s scary. A tab counter plugin would be interesting…
- LJ implementing Whuffie
- Bloki eases Web page creation
- – interesting links; dormant blog
- PHP PECL: tidy – Tidy is a binding for the Tidy HTML clean and repair utility which allows you to not only clean and otherwise manipluate HTML documents, but also traverse the document tree using the Zend Engine 2 OO semantics
- We are all nerds now
- Powerpoint Makes You Dumb
- SiteBar – The Bookmark Server for Personal and Team Use; fairly slick
- Passwird Deals – some not bad deals for the consumer season (add to FatWallet, Hot Deals, etc.)
- Take No Prisoners – disturbing Iraqi execution/Marine interview; not to rain on the Saddam parade or anything
- LegalTorrents – lots of music
- EA Canada Recruiting Billboard – the fastest way for me to decode was to launch a shell and String.fromCharCode() it. If you just want to know