God I hate how iTunes handles m3u’s. What kind of retarded behavior is to load streaming files into the main Library, and then of course to completely lose track of the original m3u order. Hello? What’s the point of a PLAYLIST if you’re going to ignore it? Also, if I select a bunch of MP3s to open, I want to be able to actually listen to the songs I selected (what a concept!) not see them completely mish-mashed (and not queued up) in my Library. So let me revise that: I hate how iTunes handles MP3s in general. (I can’t be the only one, can I? – and yes, most of my complaints would be fixed by having an ‘active/current playlist’ and a button/auto-pref to insert played songs into the Library)
- Better iTunes handling of M3U playlists – linked before, I know
- MP3 Dock 1.0 – looks cool, but $10, no iScrobbler support
- cdparanoia for OSX – someone actually wrote this. I’m impressed.
- MP3-Info CMM 1.3 – Finder contextual menu module; looks sorta like MP3ext (frickin’ awesome piece of software, installed on all my PCs
- WHAMB – free CD/MP3/OGG player
- xAudic – XMMS/WinAMP clone (no longer being updated?)
- MP3 Control 1.1 – small iTunes controller
- escapePod – iPod music extractor AppleScript
- Get iPod mp3 – allows copying of currently playing song from iPod
- Xpod – iPod copying utility; nice looking GUI
- MacMP3Gain – mp3gain GUI