• Ben Fry, the other co-creator of Processing
  • Floatutorial – been pointed out everywhere else already, but I just got around to taking a look at it, and yeah, it’s good stuff (but you probably already knew that already)
  • Leader of the Free World – the title no doubt is giving RMS fits; a great article on Linus, the person
  • Cubs Fan – andy writes about the Cubs fan who interfered w/ the foul ball on Tuesday (and how the Chicago Sun-Times probably stepped over the line, publicizing most of his life; usenet apparently does the rest); see also: wil’s letter
  • Child’s Play – Would today’s tykes tolerate the classic games you grew up with? Kids do say the darndest things in this uncut version of an EGM article.now with a bonus game not included in the original story! — some great zingers in there
  • Spider-Man 2 will rock? – description of just finished trailer from Japan. From the talkback: quick, re-read this to yourself with an excited asian accent. it sounds awesome
  • Maya now Free for Personal Use – after the /.ing, you can download it for free (legally this time); oh wait, it’s just the PLE version. nm
  • RIAA Sequentially Repeating Edison’s Mistakes – ba-zing!
  • The Filthy Critic is Dead, Matt Weatherford is Not – I missed that the Filthy Critic ‘died’ this summer. Luckily, it was just the character and not the man behind him
  • iTunes for PC came out; they also partnered w/ Pepsi to give away 100M free songs, which is absolute genius. I’m surprised at the paucity of rare/alternate/remix/live tracks; I’d be much more likely to buy a song for $1/pop if it were something I couldn’t get a high quality version of otherwise
  • EFF: MP3 Caper – this weekend you can see my version (my student film was entitled ‘Fear to Fear’)
  • Nanodot – News and Discussion of Coming Technologies
  • PHP Scales As Well As Java – fLAME 0N!!!1!
  • Adobe and Macromedia copy protection – whoa, Macromedia’s going to write crap in my boot sector? Fuck that. (reply to comment on why not having anti-piracy measures can be a win-win)