Last night I watched a mess of Star Wars Fanfilms. Still washing the taste out of my mouth (watching the latest Res DVD, which had among other videos, the stupendously awesome White Stripes – Seven Nation Army video (dir. Alex and Martin) helped). I feel sorta bad since it seems that people put a *lot* of time and effort into these things, but most of them are just really, really bad.

Which, along with talking w/ my co-worker, leads me to believe that ‘Mob Spots’ might not be as successful as I originally got carried away with thinking… these ads will obviously be very self-selective, reflecting the communities thoughts; this might not play well against the general or swing voters that need to be convinced… Also, as those Star Wars fan films show, most people have really really bad eyes

Somewhat related: Sometimes is a simple but cool little video; Freestylecollective has a decent reel and some good links in their links section (Flash, alas)