Running Government More Like A Business, Kirk Anderson (via

From Arriana’s Campaign Journal: (according to Anil, she updates personally. Not that there’s really much question about it in the writing style. Her most recent post is great:

One of the few things I don’t love about being on the campaign trail is getting the same questions again and again and again. Especially the one about my so-called “political transformation”.

Shouldn’t there be a statute of limitation on questions about this? I mean, when I was a Republican, Saddam Hussein was our ally, George Bush owned a mediocre baseball team, Enron was a respected energy company and Michael Jackson was still black.

Well, we all have our vices. For some, it’s booze. For others it’s group sex. For me, it was Newt Gingrich.

But I’m very happy to say that I’ve put mine behind me. Times change. People grow up. And so did I.

Y’know, there’s a word they use for people who hold the same opinions for their entire life and refuse to let new evidence change their minds. I believe the word I’m looking for is… Republicans.