Phone Number (non) Portability

WP is reporting that Wireless Firms Still Fight Portable Phone Numbers. To anyone following the situation this, it should be no surprise (for anyone interested, I wrote a rant on this last year). What’s been interesting was seeing a recent spate of coverage/posts that acted as if another forbearance wouldn’t be requested. It looks like now, they’re going to play the 9/11 card:

“I would rather see our resources devoted to safety of life and protection of property rather than addressing regulations of convenience,” said Brian Fontes, vice president for federal regulations for Cingular Wireless.

Despicable. (Although my current disgust is more with the spinelessness of the FCC, whom every single mobile subscriber continues to pay at least a buck or two in taxes/fees every month [several hundred million dollars cum.] – where’s that going to Mr. Powell?)