Asia Times, This war is brought to you by… (a really informative article)

The lexicon of the Bush doctrine of unilateral world domination is laid out in detail by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), founded in Washington in 1997. The ideological, political, economic and military fundamentals of American foreign policy – and uncontested world hegemony – for the 21st century are there for all to see.

PNAC’s credo is officially to muster “the resolve to shape a new century favorable to American principles and interests”. PNAC states that the US must be sure of “deterring any potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role” – without ever mentioning these competitors, the European Union, Russia or China, by name. The UN is predictably dismissed as “a forum for leftists, anti-Zionists and anti-imperialists”. The UN is only as good as it supports American policy.

Interestingly, there’s an outline of Regime Change in Iran [PDF] up there. Leaving the gym, a friend and I were talking about the order of upcoming ‘regime changes’, and a stranger passing by interject “Syria, they suck.” I don’t think that a deeper probing on that statement would have revealed any insights, so I tossed off a, nah, how about France? The reply: “Maybe after Syria. Syria sucks.”