
For the most part I’ve been pretty happy with my Hiptop (you can read my early adopter excitement in the archives), but one thing that’s been incredibly frustrating is the complete lack of response of the CSS rendering problems (namely improperly rendering style sheets that are specified for “screen” media types [and ironically ignoring those specified with type=”handheld”!!!]) are still with us.

I gave ’em a rundown tonight night after spotting a recent thread on new server software, and for the blogs that haven’t undergone redesigns, they render exactly as I reported last October. So, I posted a rant on the forums, although I honestly don’t know what difference that’ll make considering those with much more clout already made their voices heard to no avail.

Still, I thought I’d mention it because it pisses me off. With all this talk about moblogging, I’m surprising this hasn’t been in the conversation more. I mean, sure Mena picked up a Hiptop recently (and hey, why not, they’re literally free after rebate w/ a contract nowadays) and posts tons of neat little hiptop camera shots on her site, but have you tried visiting dollarshort on your Hiptop? Give it a try. While you’re at it, give Six Log a visit. And try some of these fancy schmancy ‘standards compliant’ sites. Give Wired News a shot, or DevEdge, or any of the high profile W3C sites coming out over the next few months.

These sites should work on the Hiptop. They’re designed to be accessible for multiple devices. But they don’t. Because Danger doesn’t care.