Hey, there’s an iCal weblog. Cool. Among the finds is PHPiCalendar, a php-based iCal file parser.

I want to synchronize all my events across all my devices via a central web accessible server. Here’s a run down.

  • Mac – covered by iCal, maybe some applescripting might be needed to do two way syncs.
  • Windows – Mozilla Calendar allows import and export. Hmm, can it do syncing? It’s probably scriptable. Some WSH might be required to automate… *shivers*
  • Linux – on the server end, I’ll be doing some glue code (besides the aforementioned PHPiCalendar, Perl has both Date::ICal and Net::ICal), that’s fine, if I were going to do the Desktop, Evolution looks like it imports and exports iCal and is scriptable.
  • Palm – covered by iSync
  • Hiptop – hmm… there’s a web interface. It’s REST available. A Perl client could do it…
  • Other – it’d be fairly easy to write an aim/imap/jabber bot to both give you upcoming appointments, searches, and insert/update appointments…

It looks possible. In fact, pretty good prospects given a free week or two. Hmm, my next vacation isn’t until December though. And until then I’m going to be trying my best to get my wiki outliner thing up and running. Oh well, maybe someone will take this idea and run with it. Or maybe it already exists, but I just havne’t found it yet…