Hey, Mitch Kapor (yes, that Mitch Kapor) has a new blog. This coincides with the announcement of the new initiative that he’s working on, called the Open Source Applications Foundation. The first project their going to tackle is apparently to create a rethought (read: not Outlook clone) open-source/cross-platform PIM.

/. has a post/discussion going on, after the Mercury News gave it a writeup.

*update* – ahh, here’s the current feature list.

Personally, I have hight hopes for this thing. I’ve even joined the mailing list and see what’s going on. I’m sure everyone has their own ideas about what would make a successful PIM. I think that their on the right track, recognizing that data capture is probably the biggest limiter of successful ‘management’. I also like the idea of having this sort of dynamic intertwingular type of thing. I also wonder if the OSAF has take a look at what projects like ZOË have being doing.

For me, the one biggest must have feature would probably be to allow my data to be shared/sync’d seamlessly across multiple resources. On the web, from multiple client machines/PDAs, and available as feeds for use by other people’s calendars, etc. It sounds like from Mitch’s initial post on the subject that it will be doing it, but will initially be serverless – I’m assuming there’ll be some P2P action going on, and see no reason why one couldn’t rip out the client/gui code and make some of the nodes run effectively as server/relay daemons.