l33t.freshmeat.net is just plain hilarious
“itz juzt kewl,” said phr34k0r, one of the l33t.freshmeat.net beta testers, “2 th1nk 1’ll be d0wnl04d1ng WaR3z frm the same s1t3 uzed bY p30pl3 wh0 n0 h0w 2 c0de in C.”
In addition to hosting warez and the latest exploits, l33t.freshmeat.net will provide tutorials to help visitors sharpen essential skript kiddie skills. Works in progress include “Best arguments to give to tar when unpacking your r00t kit”, “Which DOS commands will work on the Unix server you’ve 0wn3d”, and “Why seeing a wall that includes your name, address, and phone number is a bad thing”.