jz has his new adobe web center column up. i’ve been giving some thought about customer relations / process, since i’m going to be freelancing this summer. i think that what i’ll do to save headaches for maintaining updates is either just buy a copy of Dreamweaver and figure that in my solution price, or write my own / use an existing templating solution (FastTemplates or WebProcessor). ssi probly woould work too.

was getting impatient, rebooted the server a few minutes ago. been organizing my todo text files. what a crapload of work i have to do…

re-reading through ftrain again, now that everything is all organized. this still cracks me up:

someday i hope to be smart and witty

i should really learn jsp, yet i can’t force myself to take up java again. it burns, it burns!!!

i think i’m on the way to getting my dns set up, but i’ve hit a snag trying to find the packages i need to install to actual get the stuff i need. will be d/l the bind rpms tonight and seeing what’s going on. have to reboot my server tonight. it’s been giving some weird hangs recently… not bad though, it’s been up for 102 daysgoogle is cool

uh oh. i’ve been rereading my recent blog posts and i’m cringing. my tone of voice seems like that some sort of manic nut. i must not be the only one that sees this. plus i’m repeating myself in my prose and mannerisms. that’s no good either

sigh. it sucks to be annoyed by who you realize you are.

i really like how ftrain is now organized. the about page explains the reasoning, and you know what, it makes a lot of sense. it’s like something i’d want to do except i’m too lazy. — oh wait, it’s gpl’d. neet.

starting to get a bit cheezed off at blogger connection probs. will have to think about doing a total overall this summer…