I’ve been meaning to finish my new updating system before posting, but looks like that’s going to be at least a week or two off while I clear my plate off with other things.

I got the latest issue of Res last week, and while there weren’t any new spectacular music videos (one of the results of going to the monthly Res screenings), there was an amazing trailer for an amazing looking documentary, BattleGround: Dispatches From the End of Empire.

While a medium-sized trailer is available on their site and on archive.org, I decided to rip a high-quality XviD AVI [53.1MiB]. I’ve been showing it to everyone at work, it’s that good.

BattleGround Trailer

From the forums, it was shot in three weeks, on a DVX100 (although it looked like there was a secondary camera as well) by two people. The footage is amazing and the editing is really great. I hope this gets picked up. (it’s been submitted to Toronto, Venice Biennale, and Telluride) It would be a shame if it weren’t and I’d love to see it playing on the big screen.

Noise Ninja 2.0 has a Mac OS X version. That’s great. Ironically, one of the things I still do primarily on my PC is my image handling and cataloguing, primarily because of tools like Noise Ninja, Neat Image, Qimage being PC only. And for cataloguing/browsing, ACDSee just beats the pants off of anything on the Mac.

I spent a couple hours today working out Google Labs Problem #3 (skip the bottom if you want to solve it for yourself). I don’t need a job or anything, but it caught my interest. Sadly, I’m left with a feeling that there should be a much better way to do it if I were smarter, but hey, I kicked that snack machine’s ass. That’s the important thing.

Yes, this was incredibly nerdy. Yes, I should be doing other things with my time. And no, I haven’t eaten yet today.

[update] I got this response back:

Dear Problem Solver,

Thanks for taking the time to play with our little brain-teaser and for
sending us your solution. While you won’t find a confirmation of the
answer in this email, we did want to let you know that your message was
received and that we’ll be taking a look at it. If you submitted a resume,
we’ll be spending some time with that as well. If it seems like there
might be a fit with a position we have open, we’ll contact you within the
next few days.

And as for the answer to the puzzle, we’ll post the ads and the solution
on our site within a couple of months, after those who are a little slower
than you have had a chance to work on it a bit longer. Thanks again for
your interest in Google.

The Google Labs Engineering Team

Which puts me in a bit of an ethical dilemma, right? Do I take this link down so the less scrupulous won’t cheat their way to an (admittedly mediocre) solution? Of course, if they do find this, it’ll be pretty much by using Google to search for it (ahh, delicious irony).

See also: Fog Creek Software: Mysterious billboard, Google is behind mystery geek trap