I’m not sure Lessig would want to be Attorney General (although following up Ashcroft, it would be hard impossible to do worse), but FCC chairman, now that would be interesting.

Imagine a FCC that doesn’t spend its time regulating what you can and can’t say on the airwaves. A FCC that actually cares about having open, unfettered spectrum for the people, since they actually own it, instead of auctioning off every last megahertz to the highest bidder. Imagine a FCC where TiVo doesn’t have to ask first before they create a new feature.

The, Sinclair, the.

watch as SBGI's chart drops

The rebound is based on their deciding to only “show clips” from the attack documentary. My question: are they going to run Going Upriver (ahem, EasyNews members, attention) clips as well? Also, are they going to dedicate an hour or two to discuss Bush’s Vietnam experience (I think not).

Sorry for the unresponsiveness this morning. Some assholes have been leeching some large files very aggressively, which ended up maxing out the number of active connections now that I’m limiting bandwidth.

Sunday mornings can be dangerous. You know, when you’re just clicking around and decide to visit some label website which leads to another label and the next thing you know, in addition to the one album with the one song you’re looking for you end up also with another band’s entire catalog in your basket. (check out the mp3s, they’re great)

On the other hand, this haphazard clicky thing can also lead you to discover some amazing stuff you never would have. Like this band, The Heavenly States and the music video for My Friends, from their s/t, now re-released on Baria Records (available w/ bonus CD @ Amazon).

(In summary, while the best things in life may be free, gainful employment is a good thing.)