
Wow, this is great. MindCandy: Volume 1 is a DVD which includes some of the best old-skool PC demos put together by a bunch of the Hornet guys. I’m making my order as soon as Paypal comes back up. Second Reality was probably the first thing I ran testing an Evergreen 486 upgrade chip on my old 386SX computer. You could tell it would was running faster because the flame got farther along…

Look into: Bookmarker, Bookmark4U, Active PHP Bookmarks, ol’bookmarks, LinkBase, b., XBELette, PBM, bookmarksync

Note to self: Mozilla’s bookmarking engine doesn’t scale well to large sizes. I lost track of my bookmark file over the past year. It’s ballooned to 1.6MB and moving some of teh bookmarks into a folder is just bringing my system (Athlon XP 1800+, 1GB RAM) to its knees. It’s taking 7s to move each bookmark at 100% CPU usage. I really get these bookmarks into a database.

Some more thoughts about Safari

  • Apple has some information and links on the WebCore framework that Safari is based off of. I notice that there’s no errata documentation on what it doesn’t support. Truth be told, I’ve never really used Konqueror much because it’s compliance is just plain weaker than Mozilla. If Safari becomes popular, it looks like I’ll be spending more time at ppk’s dom compatibility table than before (doh, looks like it only has 2.2 not 3+ info). And looking for a CSS chart as well..
  • As hoped, Hyatt has begun posting about Safari related stuff.
  • diveintomark has an in-depth review as well as links to other reviews. One of the first things that I checked out was also the W3 CSS test suite and css/edge.
  • khtml class reference
  • from kfm-devel list: Fwd: Our changes to KHTML and KJS, (fwd) Greetings from the Safari team at Apple Computer
  • More in the morning probably. Despite it’s speed, I won’t be switching off of Mozilla even if it can barely scroll on my TiBook – lack of background loading and tabs are too critical.

I watched Dancer in the Dark tonight. It’s an interesting film, and I’m still mulling it over. It’s a strange because the film itself is constructed so artificially, but despite that, it’s affecting on an emotional level. I think that right now, my distaste for its reflexive and knowing manipulation (… or for lack of a better word, malice), overrides respect for its craft, message, or purpose.

Interestingly enough, Apple’s new browser, Safari, is based on Konqueror’s KHTML not Gecko. I wonder what’s the story behind that. I wonder if Hyatt will be spilling anything on his site?

Having played around w/ it a bit, it’s nice. Polished and fast, but missing the tabs and sidebars. On the otherhand, I do really like a few of the shortcuts – the option keys for toolbar links is really nice.