Right on schedule

from [tvbarn2] (Tue Mar 4 20:54:22 2003) (via jk)

A senior producer who shall remain nameless, at a major cable television news operation based in the southeastern United States which shall remain nameless, told me today with a wry confidence I found quite amusing that the “the war is scheduled for the evening of March 19th.”

Jimmy Breslin, Newsday.com writes about some Familiar, Haunting Words. (via rc3.org). At this point, I like to think we’re not quite there yet, but it seems we are heading down that road.

I asked a co-worker the other day, if it felt like this during the Vietnam war era. I was hoping that perhaps I was just missing the historical perspective and over-reacting. The gist of the response was that it was too early to really tell, although I have personal misgivings about it all… Back then they didn’t have the Patriot Act. I suppose history will tell.