Seen on /.:

I call upon all slashdotters who maintain opensource products to remove support for UNIXWARE in all future version. Explicitly disable the generation of your Makefiles for SCO machines, in protest and solidarity of SCO’s actions.

Fyodor has done it (more). Personally, I think it’s the best idea I’ve heard in a while.


KEANU enters a white room, the walls of which are covered
in monitors.  A chair spins around to reveal THE EXPLAINER.
                        KEANU REEVES
            Who are you?
                       THE EXPLAINER
            I am The Explainer.  I designed the
            matrix screenplay.  Unable to
            decently explain the convoluted plot
            well, I have resorted to putting
            myself here in the final act and
            having you ask all of the questions
            the audience wants to ask.
                 (dramatic pause)
            You must begin by asking your own
            questions then gradually switch to
            asking those of the audience, in
            order to not make this scene any
            more awkward than it already is.
            Concordantly, while your first
            question may be the most pertinent,
            you may or may not realize it is
            also the most irrelevant.
                        KEANU REEVES
            Why am I here?
                       THE EXPLAINER
            Many years ago, shortly before the
            success of Speed, you sold your soul
            to the devil in exchange for a
            promise of notoriety that your
            piss-poor acting skills do not
            deserve. This series is the
            actualization of this promise.
                        KEANU REEVES
            What was the Osiris? And who was
            that kid in zion who kept pestering
                       THE EXPLAINER
            You will find the answers to these
            questions by purchasing The
            Animatrix, a collection of nine
            animated shorts from some of Anime's
            top directors.
                        KEANU REEVES
            Alright.  Well, what was that crap
            Glora said about vampires and
            werewolves? And how did Jada Pinkett
            Smith get to Laurence Fishburne
            during the car chase? And what the
            hell happened during the power plant
            takeover climax that-wasn't?
                       THE EXPLAINER
            You will find the answers to those
            questions by purchasing the Enter
            The Matrix game, available for
            Windows, Playstation2, Xbox, and
            Gamecube. Enter the Matrix features
            awesome gunplay and spectacular
            martial arts that bend the rules of
            the Matrix.  This game isn't just
            set in the Matrix universe--it's an
            integral part of the experience,
            with a story that weaves in and out
            of The Matrix Reloaded.  Enter the
            Matrix is the story behind the
                        KEANU REEVES
            Fine! Then tell me this, what the
            hell is with Hugo Weaving saying he
            and I have some special connection?
            And how come I can control machines
            in the real world? And will we win
            the war if I don't choose the door
            to my right?
                       THE EXPLAINER
            You will find the answers to these
            questions when you watch The Matrix
            Revolutions, coming later in 2003.
                        KEANU REEVES
            I hate you.
                       THE EXPLAINER
            Perhaps you should drink more
                        KEANU REEVES
            Just answer me one question.  We're
            not going to find out that the real
            world is in another matrix, are we?
                       THE EXPLAINER
            Christ I hope not.
[11:40:07] randomfoo: check out the first post on my site
[11:40:31] Gaberuni: most recent, you mean
[11:40:32] Gaberuni: ?
[11:40:39] Gaberuni: ah
[11:40:47] Gaberuni: mozilla was loading cached...
[11:41:03] randomfoo: hmm weird.  i need to rewrite my site in a major way
[11:42:58] Gaberuni: hah, nice quote