I was speaking with a friend and he doubts that Bush won’t get re-elected because he believes that most of America is too happy with Bush. While I don’t entirely disagree about Bush’s re-election chances, I have to hope that my friend is “misunderestimating” the ability of the American public to see what’s going on, despite what FOX News might be saying (recent polls seem to some mixed signs).

I’ve been working on a presentation (on USC’s Pubcookie roll-out), and as usual, have been getting sidetracked by the mechanics of the presentation (I’ve been testing it on Mozilla only; in theory it should mostly work in Safari and IE, maybe even Opera) and have been adding little DOM-based doo-dads and gee-gaws.

Last Spring I’d taken Tantek’s SXSW 2003 presentation and gave it a slight overhaul, adding key-events and anchor fragments (allowing slide bookmarking). Today, I’ve spent time futzing with some auto-resizing functionality that currently autoresizes iframes, but should will be adding something to auto-resize all slides tonight auto-resizes and adds scollbars to slides.