There’s not a lot of fully functional crawlers that will spider sites w/ JS links. I guess one could possibly write a Mozilla plug-in to do so?

  • BlackWidow – allows plug-ins, possibly allowing spidering of JS generated links
  • JPluck – spiders sites, converts to XML, can read Mozilla cookies.txt file


The horror of modern relationships isn’t the confusion about roles, reticence about marriage, or the lived-together-broke-up-who-originally-bought-the-Office Space DVD mystery, it’s the technology enabling you to keep in contact with an ex when all you want to do is purge them from your heart.

Zeldman’s WDW2003 Keynote (see post) includes a slide that points to one of the awesome CSS Zen Garden designs. I haven’t checked back in a while, but there are some real doozies. Favorites so far:

I haven’t really done much visual design work in the past year or two, and probably won’t be having much time in the near future, with work, classes, and projects piled (and piling), but still quite inspirational (and humbling). I’m tempted to try my hand at this when I need to procrastinate blow off some steam… but it’d probably be rather embarrassing.