There’s a Sucker Born in Every Medial Prefrontal Cortex – wow, a fascinating article of the neurophysiological effect of branding.

Over several months this past summer, Montague set to work looking for a scientifically convincing answer. He assembled a group of test subjects and, while monitoring their brain activity with an M.R.I. machine, recreated the Pepsi Challenge. His results confirmed those of the TV campaign: Pepsi tended to produce a stronger response than Coke in the brain’s ventral putamen, a region thought to process feelings of reward. (Monkeys, for instance, exhibit activity in the ventral putamen when they receive food for completing a task.) Indeed, in people who preferred Pepsi, the ventral putamen was five times as active when drinking Pepsi than that of Coke fans when drinking Coke.

In the real world, of course, taste is not everything. So Montague tried to gauge the appeal of Coke’s image, its ”brand influence,” by repeating the experiment with a small variation: this time, he announced which of the sample tastes were Coke. The outcome was remarkable: almost all the subjects said they preferred Coke. What’s more, the brain activity of the subjects was now different. There was also activity in the medial prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain that scientists say governs high-level cognitive powers. Apparently, the subjects were meditating in a more sophisticated way on the taste of Coke, allowing memories and other impressions of the drink — in a word, its brand — to shape their preference.

Pepsi, crucially, couldn’t achieve the same effect. When Montague reversed the situation, announcing which tastes were of Pepsi, far fewer of the subjects said they preferred Pepsi. Montague was impressed: he had demonstrated, with a fair degree of neuroscientific precision, the special power of Coke’s brand to override our taste buds.

Nice (awesomely nerdly thread):

the logic being you would gain superhuman powers and hence cool names like dying-of-cancer-man and oh-the-burning-pain-man.

That would be sweet! As Dying-of-Cancer Man, you could fight crime using the awesome power of your inspiring tale of courage!

DoCM: “Stop, villain! *pant* Your nefarious schemes are over! *hack cough* Oh, there goes the last of my hair…”

Villain: “Your body wracked with cancer and the effects of chemotherapy, I’m surprised you can stand, much less threaten me.”

DoCM: “I just want to leave the world… a better place than I found it…”

Henchman: “You can’t hurt him, boss… He’s dying of cancer!”

Villain: “You’re right! Such courage and love of life… We surrender, Dying-of-Cancer Man!”

Big whoppers – excerpt from Michael Moore’s new book, Dude, Where’s My Country?

Sure, we’ve been lied to before. Lots of lies: big lies, little lies, lies that brought us down in the eyes of the world. “I am not a crook” was a lie, and it sent Richard Nixon packing. “Read my lips: No new taxes” wasn’t so much a lie as a broken promise, but it nonetheless cost the first Bush his presidency. “Ketchup is a vegetable” was technically not a lie, but it was a good example of the Reagan administration’s whacked view of the world.

But nothing can hide this indisputable fact: There is no worse lie than one told to scare mothers and fathers enough to send their children off to fight a war that did not need to be fought because there never was any real threat at all. To falsely tell a nation’s citizens that their lives are in jeopardy just so you can settle your own personal score (“He tried to kill my daddy!”) or to make your rich friends even richer, well, in a more just world, there would be a special prison cell in Joliet reserved for that type of liar.

Cursive is quite rocking live. If you’re into hard post-rock, would recommend. (a track from their latest album: Art Is Hard)

6126 Hollywood Blvd (at Gower)
For those of you who waited until the last minute, or who were not one of
the lucky 3 to win a free pair......
*limited amount of $11 tickets are available!*
- choose 'spaceland promo' as the ticket type 
- password:  sierra 
If you miss out on these as well, there will still be $14 tickets available
at the door starting at 6:30pm!

Just got back from the Four Tet/Prefuse 73 show @ the Troubadour. OMFG Prefuse kicked ass. He’s going to be at Spaceland tomorrow. If you’re not going to the Lessig debate, you owe it to yourself to check it out. (hey, actually, you can catch both, the Lessig thing ends at 8:30, and Four Tet probably won’t go on until 9PM, and Prefuse at 10PM)