Ringing in the new year by writing Netscape 4 code fixes. Yes, in the year 2004. Writing workarounds specific to a 4.76 CCK build no less. Still being distributed here on campus (along w/ Netscape 6.0.2; remember, the 6.0 branch? so bad that it can’t even be found in the Netscape Product Archive?). Hoo-f’in-ray.

  • normal-flow DIV spaced improperly placed after absolute DIVs, click-plane problems of course also apply
  • JS parser will die on certain CSS (no surprise)
  • most bizarre: within a function, testing for document.getElementById doesn’t return false value

Last November, I found out that sysctl was reporting that my Powerbook was running at 2/3rd speed. After fiddling it with a while, I finally gave up because 1) the speed kept resetting, and 2) because Xbench didn’t report anything funky (similar CPU score either way).

Reading the ‘What is Mac OS X?’ writeup inspired me to do some Open Firmware digging and figure out what was going on. So, went about booting in, and connecting via telnet (very cool, see also telnet downloading) and got some perplexing numbers:

name                    PowerPC,G4
cpu-version             80010303
state                   running
clock-frequency         1fca0554
bus-frequency           07ef4594
config-bus-frequency    07e8fe70
timebase-frequency      01fbd165
l2cr                    80000000
force-reduced-speed     00000001
min-clock-frequency     032d4b20
max-clock-frequency     33ad5ec0
rounded-clock-frequency 1fb5ad00

According to the Open Firmware, the current clock-speed *is* running at 533MHz, however XBench CPU results are exactly in line with what’s expected (I get a score of ~104). Weird, no? (actually, the weirdest part is the force-reduced-speed, that shouldn’t be one, maybe I’ll muck w/ this over the weekend.

So, this iTunes Opener is my first foray into the world of AppleScript. Originally, I was trying to fight w/ the GUI scripting, but in the end, I realized that was pointless. What I have now is actually pretty much a slightly beefier version of Better iTunes handling of M3U files at Balnaves.com. I’ve associated my MP3s and M3Us to this so that when I open these, it loads all of the files into a new playlist and plays it (instead of lumping all the stuff into the Library and playing only the first song). I’ve also written a bit so that it automatically deletes my netjuke M3Us. There might be someway to generalize temporary M3Us (maybe by file location), but this is currently good enough for my purposes. I’m no longer constantly pissed at iTunes.

Todo: Needs some work getting icons and association stuff working (works fine as a droplet currently)


Entering CasualSpace… – John Barlow muses about how zero-cost calls (iChatAV) changes things. For me, having presence information is a big plus. Also, I hate making phone calls because it’s so intrusive; dropping an IM seems much better in that regard.

Of course, the presence doesn’t really work that well for me because I’m always signed on w/ multiple computers (still not sure I like AIM’s new routing algorithm), and of course if you’re using iChat, then it does the AIM client thing of popping up incoming messages directly onto your desktop, which is quite intrusive (but at least you can still multitask while that conversation goes on.

(perfect im routing algorithm for me: route based on least idle time, that’d get a message to me 90% of the time; also, cache on server – I should just run my own Jabber server, will be getting hip-deep in that stuff soon anyway)