I noticed today that my Taiwan trip gallery shows up empty. A followup shows that the files exist on my system… although a search also reveals several Gallery exploits out there, including a recently found remote exploit. A cursory glance through the logs doesn’t turn up anything fishy (tac | grep gallery | grep HTTP_ to check if the exploit had been run)

(Update: ok, looks like a corrupted photo.dat. After poking around a bit, I figured out how it works. Luckily, only the last photo entry was truncated, and I fixed it by copying the missing data from the photo before it)

Between school, work and more work I’ve been MIA lately. But, can’t miss Grey Tuesday.

Others have and continue to wax on about the ongoing philosophical and moral vicissitudes of copyright. And rightly so. It’s certainly something I’ve given a lot of thought to over the past few years, but I’ll pass this time around. Well, maybe I’ll indulge a little bit… It’s interesting, the cultural works which we consider most transgressive, against which the most drastic punitive measures are taken. While not always the case, often-times, it is this illegal art that speaks the most about our society.

(For those w/ the libjpeg programs installed, greyscaling your images is a jpegtran (-grayscale) away.)

Andy’s tracking this all.

(Update: the EFF has posted up an analysis of the copyright laws involved: Grey Tuesday: A Quick Overview of the Legal Terrain)

There’s not a lot of open source (or any, actually) systems that facilitate easy creation of multiple adhoc communities. Anyone know of any offhand?

Wow, tonight, while avoiding writing a paper, I found a mirror of The Final Pathetic Bleatings of the Forum. Turns out that there’s an entire mirrored copy of Forum 3000 there, something that Archive.org didn’t have. This is stupendously awesome. I’ve been looking for this on and off for a while now. (now mirrored locally for posterity).

TODO: set up local squid-proxying, search to avoid having this problem in the future

Pages on the search: