- Grey Tuesday – Feb 24, coordinated civil disobedience to put the Grey Album online
- The special effect of physics
From a physics point of view we would also like to leave geometric optics behind and use the wave nature of light rays instead. As well as allowing us to simulate the visual effects of interference, this opens up the possibility of simulating sound waves in complex geometries. Architects, for example, might eventually be able to use such software to optimize noise pollution in their buildings.
- Photon Mapping on Programmable Graphics Hardware
We present a modified photon mapping algorithm capable of running entirely on GPUs. Our implementation uses breadth-first photon tracing to distribute photons using the GPU.
- Henrik Wann Jensen – research on Global Illumination using Photon Maps
- Global Illumination Compendium
- Validation Proposal for Global Illumination and Rendering Techniques
- Special Topics in Computer Graphics: Global Illumination
- Global Illumination
- Paul Debevec
- Acquiring the Reflectance Field of a Human Face – zowie
- The Tragedy of Colin Powell: How the Bush presidency destroyed him
Powell’s outburst is a textbook sign of overwhelming stress. Maybe he was just having a bad day. Then again, he’s also been having a bad three years.
- Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Porn – Xeni interviews Larry Flynt
- ZUG: The Viagra Prank – OK, I can’t advocate supporting spammers, but this is funny
Category: Legacy
Wow, tonight, while avoiding writing a paper, I found a mirror of The Final Pathetic Bleatings of the Forum. Turns out that there’s an entire mirrored copy of Forum 3000 there, something that Archive.org didn’t have. This is stupendously awesome. I’ve been looking for this on and off for a while now. (now mirrored locally for posterity).
TODO: set up local squid-proxying, search to avoid having this problem in the future
Pages on the search:
- Metafilter: On Becoming a Randroid
- The Floating Head of Ayn Rand :: A Timeline
- Objectivism Mockery Page
- Forum 2010: I just realized something! You guys aren’t nearly as bad as the Conversatron… you’re, like, the best ripoff of forum3000 there is.
- End of an Era: Forum 2000 Closes
- Become an Objectivist in Ten Easy Steps (with illustrations), part of Andrej Bauer’s site
- How Forum 2000 Works
- About the Forum x network
The launch of Mediachest.com may knock another longstanding todo off of my list. That’d be a good thing.
- Today We’re Selling Digital Rights Management, Tomorrow We’re Making Water Run Uphill
- Betamax: Back to the Future
- Why wireless will end ‘piracy’ and doom DRM and TCPA – Jim Griffin
- Scary-cool: Decompression bombs, see also Mobile Water Bombs
- Python on Nokia w/ SCREENSHOTS, see also Python on the S60 — where’s the high level scripting for PalmOS?
- Candy Science: M&Ms pack more tightly than spheres
- Will the real Detroit skyline please stand up?
- Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters – lots of good tips
- max-width in Internet Explorer
- XML Benchmark Results 08.02.2004 – saucy, libxml kicks butt
- The Mobile Consolidation Begins – Cingular agrees to buy AT&T Wireless
- Harnessing the Hacker’s HeckleBot – Justin writes about back/side-channel comm @ ETECH
- Ultimate Boot CD – chock full of diagnostics
- Linux Test Project – for testing teh lunix
- AIDA32 – Windows system diagnostic
- F.I.R.E. – Forensic and Incident Response Environment Bootable CD
- BootPart 2.50: Boot Partitions for WinNT
- DFSee – I used this tool once to recover my disk after Partition Magic killed my partition tables
- Anti-spam software – notably normalizemime.cc which truncates binary attachments, etc.
- Gallery of network images
- alienRAID.org – Xserve RAID in non-Apple environments (configuration)
- Web Developer Extension – must have extension for web developers
- Mozilla Development Roadmap
- Branding Mozilla: Towards Firefox 1.0 – Steven Garrity talks about how he got involved
- branding firefox – Jon Hicks talks about desiginging the icon
- Mozdev Extension Room
- Firefox OS X critiques
- Detecting Patterns in Complex Social Networks
- Exploit Based On Leaked Windows Code Released – didn’t take long
- Microsoft, Monocultures, Security FUD & Other Fun
- Vote Links – I have to say, I’m a bit skeptical, the next generation of search tools will be personalized anyway… but it could still be useful
- Tori Allen – insane climbing physiology due to climbing trees w/ monkeys as a toddler
- Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics – awesome
- document.getElementsByWhatever(variant whatever, boolean includeTextNodes ) – This method will return a collection of objects who’s tag name, attribute names, attribute values or (optionally) text nodes match the “whatever” argument.
I’ve been playing w/ ZOË again recently. I like the idea, although ideally I’d like for it to be able to crawl my IMAP folders (and respect delete/spam flags). Doing daily/semi-hourly crawls of maildirs on the server end could work also….
The Economist: The science of love
Scientists are finding that, after all, love really is down to a chemical addiction between people
From the fortune file:
Tell me why the stars do shine Tell me why the ivy twines Tell me why the sky's so blue And I will tell you why I love you. Nuclear fusion makes stars to shine Phototropism makes ivy twine Rayleigh Scattering makes sky so blue Sexual hormones are why I love you.
I received a mailer today informing me that Comcast has just doubled my downstream bandwidth (now capped to 3Mbps/256Kbps) and sure enough, a 60s power cycle later, I’m now getting 450KBps transfers from muffins instead of 240KBps. So, sure they’ve increased prices over the past year so I’m now paying twice as much as I was two years ago, but at least I’m getting more bandwidth.