Topographic page layout – great bookmarklet for CSS development
Category: Legacy
‘Holy crap I didn’t know that was there’ feature of the day:
PBCOPY(1) PBCOPY(1) NAME pbcopy, pbpaste - provide copying and pasting from command line SYNOPSIS pbcopy [-help] [-pboard {general | ruler | find | font}] pbpaste [-help] [-pboard {general | ruler | find | font}] [-Prefer {ascii | rtf | ps}] DESCRIPTION pbcopy takes the standard input and places it in the specified paste- board. If no pasteboard is specified, the general pasteboard will be used by default. The input is placed in the pasteboard as ASCII data unless it begins with the Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file header or the Rich Text Format (RTF) file header, in which case it is placed in the pasteboard as one of those data types. pbpaste removes the data from the pasteboard and writes it to the stan- dard output. It normally looks first for ASCII data in the pasteboard and writes that to the standard output; if no ASCII data is in the pasteboard it looks for Encapsulated PostScript; if no EPS if present it looks for Rich Text. If none of those types is present in the pasteboard, pbpaste produces no output.
man pbcopy
for more info
- LaunchBar 4 – in beta, worth switching back to from Quicksilver? Guess, I’ll try it out
- Omni Disksweeper – from the people that brought you OmniOutliner and OmniGraffle
- Disk Inventory X – OS X version of KDirStat (see WinDirStat for Windows) — now how about an OS X version of Filelight? (See also: Scanner)
- Zero Install: The Future of Linux on the Desktop? – interesting discussion
- SlimBatteryMonitor – Takes up to 70% less space than Apple’s monitor.
- Magic Number Machine – snazzy scientific calculator
- m4p2mp4
- Slurpie – A distributed peer-to-peer downloading protocol
- Open Content Network
- Chord – scalable, robust distributed systems using peer-to-peer ideas
- Infrastructure for Fault-resilient, Decentralized Location and Routing
- PDTP – a method of transferring files using peers to aid in distribution of content, similar to BitTorrent
John Gruber writes a really long piece poking fun at Eric Raymond and then talking about UI design. Now, I’m all for poking fun at ESR. He needs some ego deflation. But Gruber is so off his horse talking about UIs that it’s not even funny. UI design is certainly not “an art” that “requires innate ability.” One can argue about soft factors within UX and HCI, but usability can be tested empirically and distilled into principles. At the end of the day, good GUIs have to do more with adherence to principles and guidelines and a commitment to user testing than some sort of ‘genius’ sensitivity.
Also, while I wholeheartedly agree on having strong direction for successful UIs, the notion that this is somehow casually related (as implied) on ‘closed source’ software ‘produced by full-time professional engineers’ just doesn’t make any sense. Software engineers left alone would produce just as unusable preference panels regardless of whether it’s closed or open source (also, most OSS developers *are* professional engineers). The difference in interface quality lies with the commitment and focus of *usability* engineers and designers. And even with that effort you’re still not guaranteed anything.
Obviously I agree that good HCI is hard work. Along with documentation, it is often short-changed in typical OSS projects. I’d argue that most of these projects realize this, however they typically lack the expertise not only in the areas themselves, but also in even recruiting those w/ the proper skills to contribute.
Basically, good HCI has much more in common with development (standard practices, iteration, refactoring) than with making a movie (or some ridiculous notion of the genetically gifted ‘HCI savant’).
Oh, ok, Google Mail has hit the newstands. So yeah. Google search for email. Good. Google mail to create a corpus for personalized search? Gooder. Now, Google Mail as foothold into rolling out digital identity and relationship management?
Like the browser and the operating system wars before it, the search wars is the latest iteration of what comes down to a battle for platform domination. Will the contenders be able to overthrow the reigning champ?
It’ll be fun to watch. Maybe more fun to participate?
* This is all analysis based on speculation and observation. I don’t have any proprietary information here (which is why I’m tossing this online).
[obsessing over ads in email is missing the forest for the trees]
- newsmap – meant to post about this earlier; treemap of google news – frickin’ awesome; see also history flow; history tracking of objects, visualization
- memetic wake – recursion