IE Float Hacks

Currently the bane of my existence until we switch layout grids…

iRex Hacking Begins…

I got my iRex iLiad ebook reader yesterday. Its screen is pretty fantastic. Tonight I’ve enabled the networking and am poking around (the firmware I’m running conveniently has dropbear running).

root@ereader:/# df   
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/tffsa2               3038      2365       519  82% /old-root
/dev/tffsa2              73045     62332      7001  90% /
/dev/tffsa5              28973       225     27252   1% /mnt/protected
/dev/tffsa6             131180      7372    123808   6% /mnt/free
/dev/tffsa7                888       145       698  17% /mnt/settings
root@ereader:/# cat /proc/cpuinfo 
Processor       : XScale-PXA255 rev 6 (v5l)
BogoMIPS        : 397.31
Features        : swp half thumb fastmult edsp 
CPU implementor : 0x69
CPU architecture: 5TE
CPU variant     : 0x0
CPU part        : 0x2d0
CPU revision    : 6
Cache type      : undefined 5
Cache clean     : undefined 5
Cache lockdown  : undefined 5
Cache unified   : harvard
I size          : 32768
I assoc         : 32
I line length   : 32
I sets          : 32
D size          : 32768
D assoc         : 32
D line length   : 32
D sets          : 32

Hardware        : iRex Technologies ER0100 eReader
Revision        : 0000
Serial          : 0000000000000000

Google Mobile Maps: Nope, still doesn’t disappoint

The most useful non-communication app on my phone is most certainly Google Mobile Maps. I suppose there’s some chagrin in saying this considering that is part of Yahoo! Local now, but honestly, there’s no shame in recognizing quality, and GMM is the best third-party mobile app I’ve ever used, bar none.

Yes, the features are great (the polyline animated step-by-step direction routing is both gee-whiz *and* useful), but what really makes GMM stand out is the amazingly well thought out UI – you know the designers have not just thought things out, but have tweaked it after using it in their daily life. It’s the little things that just work like they should.

For example, tonight I was in San Jose for an event, and was looking for a drug store by the venue. Easy enough to do a business search and get some results back – but where is it in relation to the venue? (which had disappeared with the new search) There was a second of trepadation, as I clicked into “directions there,” but again, GMM didn’t disappoint – there was the location listed at the top “recent searches” listing the venue in the directions tab.

That’s just awesome. And inspirational.

Stem Cell Hubbub: Disingenuous and Ridiculous

One of the things that’s surprised me is how successful the “objective” media has once again been led to cover the controversey and rhetoric rather than expose how ridiculous the argument against government funding for embryonic stem-cell research in HR 810, which specifically funds only research from in-vitro fertilization embryos that would OTHERWISE BE DISCARDED.

So we get these absurdly fake histrionics about the “destruction of human life” that are completely deceitful. And the sad thing is that it works. Time and time again, almost without fail, even when the contradiction presents itself directly.

Reverse Keyboard Mapping AppleScript

I’ve been switching between my Macbook Pro’s internal keyboard and an external Microsoft Natural keyboard fairly regularly, so the reversed option/command key problem has been a pretty constant thorn in my side. I couldn’t get the 10.4: Change keymapping only on external keyboards hint to work (I probably just need to clear some of those kernel caches after changing the mapping), so I finally got pissed off enough to write an AppleScript to help. That way, I only need to worry about the switched keys for one Quicksilver call. 🙂

tell application "System Preferences"
	set current pane to pane ""
end tell

tell application "System Events"
	get properties
	tell application process "System Preferences"
		click button "Modifier Keys…" of tab group 1 of window "Keyboard & Mouse"
		set commandKey to value of pop up button 3 of sheet 1 of window "Keyboard & Mouse"
		-- DEBUG
		-- display dialog commandKey
		--  Default, lets flip
		if commandKey ends with "Option" then
			-- click the pop up button menu "Option", this menu does not exist until it is clicked in the GUI
			click pop up button 3 of sheet 1 of window "Keyboard & Mouse"
			-- click "Command" of the pop up menu
			click menu item 4 of menu 1 of pop up button 3 of sheet 1 of window "Keyboard & Mouse"
			-- delay briefly
			delay 1
			-- click the pop up button menu "Command", this menu does not exist until it is clicked in the GUI
			click pop up button 4 of sheet 1 of window "Keyboard & Mouse"
			-- click "Option" of the pop up menu
			click menu item 3 of menu 1 of pop up button 4 of sheet 1 of window "Keyboard & Mouse"
			-- Not Default, lets flip it back
			click button "Restore Defaults" of sheet 1 of window "Keyboard & Mouse"
		end if
		-- click "OK" to dismiss the sheet
		click button "OK" of sheet 1 of window "Keyboard & Mouse"
	end tell
end tell

tell application "System Preferences" to quit

As always, looking up what objects/properties to call is suitably obscure, but I think I’m getting better at this.

A CFL in every Home = 1 Nuclear Power Plant

I spent a lot of my weekend doing research on energy, power generation, etc. (See my MyWeb links) I decided to run some rough numbers, and have come to the conclusion that the best use of government funds is to probably have a CFL handout/trade-in program.

There are an estimated 110M households in the US, so if you replaced one 60W incandescent with a similarly lumen-rated 13W CFL (I’d estimate a distribution cost of $100M-200M), you’d save just over $4.1B in electrical bills over the lifetime of the bulbs ($0.10/kWh over 8000 hours). At 5 hours/evening of usage (~4.4yr), we’re looking at almost a billion bucks a year. That’s not a bad ROI.

Another interesting figure that comes out of that is that we’re talking about a significantly large amount of power saved. Over the bulb lifetime, the number comes out to over 41M MWh, or based on the 4.4y estimated lifetime, about 9.4M MWh/yr. That’s more than your average 1000MW nuclear power plant will be able to generate (about 7.8M MWh at 90% efficiency), and a significantly lower cost ($10-20/MWh for handing out light bulbs versus $50-80/MWh).

So, for every incandescent light-bulb replaced in every household in the US, you’re replacing the need for a nuclear power plant (or better yet, a bunch of fossil fuel ones ones, which function at a much lower efficiency (around 60%) and are usually lower capacity).

Why You Should Always Run the Numbers

We interrupt our normal (very) irregular postings on Web, Tech, Music, and Politics to talk about the exciting world of Personal Finance!

Having spent my years at USC faithfully saving into my 403b, I wasn’t planning to put anything more into “retirement” – based on my calculations I’d already reached my >60 goals (such is the power of a 2:1 to 10% match and the power of compound interest).

Boy am I glad I stopped and ran the numbers on what the difference is for contributing to a 401k vs regular investment. Here are some notes on calculating benefit even if you plan on withdrawing before retirement (basically, using the 401k as an investment vehicle):

  • Because the 401k is invested pre-tax and is treated as regular income on withdrawal, even after the 10% early withdrawal penalty, you’ll start off with a 1-2% bonus (the exact number depends on your marginal tax rate vs your capital gains)
  • If you further assume a drop in tax bracket, say from the maximum 35% at time of investment to a more reasonable 28% or 25% for when you cash out, you’re looking at an instant bump in returns of 12.2% or 17.65%, respectively.
  • Figure in a modest employer match, say 1:4, vested at 67% (16.75% at the point of investment), and you’re up to a 37.5% returns difference. That’s not too shabby!

So far, all of this has been time-invariant (because the numbers are lopped off the bottom and top and not affecting the rate of return). However, if you’re investing in mutual funds, your difference of returns after taxes on distributions (always taxed as income) can be anywhere from about 0.5% for tax-managed and index funds, to 2% or more (my highest fund, Vanguard’s Energy Fund is there; Vanguard rates it as 50% tax efficient, so I’m assuming there are worse out there).

Now, here’s where we apply the power of compound interest. Assuming a 1% difference in tax load, even over 2 years, there will be a 2.5% difference. Over 10 years, this becomes a 12.75% difference, and over 20 years, we’re talking about almost a 27% difference. (that’s added on top of top of the existing 37.5% returns difference)

And remember, this is *with* the 10% early withdrawal penalty and paying full income taxes (vs capital gains). And that’s why you should always run the numbers.

NOTE: I’ve seen one document online that seems to imply that in addition to the withdrawal penalty, you’ll need to retroactively pay capital gains, but that seems to contradict what the IRS has to say on distributions, but it’s probably a wise idea to consult a certified tax professional for the final say on the matter (-CPA has confirmed my reading, although noted an additional 2.5% state penalty). Besides early disbursement, you can also take a 72(t) or by taking a loan out against the 401k (this only works while you’re employed).