discussion: rfc: Distributed Social Networks
Category: Legacy
This was my first Amazon full time interview. It was not with a
recruiter but with a head of a two pizza team (a 2PTL). They were
surprised I hadn’t spoken with a recruiter already..
- Tell me about an exciting opportunity that you worked on
- How did you use technology there
- How did you account for scaling?
- What would be your advice for rapid growth sites such as Friendster
- Talk to me about working in teams
- What was your least effective team situation
- How do you tell someone that someone else is better at a particular position than them
- Design a web based email system. Describes pieces, components,
design, large scale, and use case (This lead to lots of questions about
the components and other decisions)- Why Amazon?
- Where do you see yourself in five years?
- Find the missing element in an array with values from 1 to 1000.
- What ideas do you have for Amazon?
- What blogging software do you recommend?
- What blogging software do you use?
- Any questions?
After the interview they sent me a coding question which I have to
complete and email to them before my next phone interview. That next
phone interview will be spent discussing my solution and then on the
basis of that interview they’ll make the fly down decision or not. The
question is:
- Code up a simple class in the language of your choice to represent
a deck of cards with operations to shuffle the deck and to deal one
Saddle Creek is one of my favorite labels. After my initial exposure to some Bright Eyes/Cursive tracks (via AudioGalaxy, RIP), I’ve since bought just about every album put out by the label (yes, including the Bright Eyes Christmas Album). Which led me to a slight predicament — the Saddle Creek Store is currently offering a free copy of the Saddle Creek 50 sampler with an order of $25 or more, which would be quite tempting to give as a gift, but would involve finding some stuff I didn’t already have. After looking around, I did find some worthwhile albums to pick up. The first, Rilo Kiley’s Barsuk Records debut album. The second, the Amos House Collection, Vol 2, which has tracks from Elliot Smith, Spoon, Bright Eyes, etc.
Also, picked up a Park Avenue album (the one sample track [RA] sounded great), and also the Fizzle Like a Flood album. The entire album is available to sample online.
Lastly, Hopeless Records is currently having a $1 sampler sale. I’m not much into punk/pop-punk nowadays, but the Weakerthans and Atom and His Package tracks definitely make it worthwhile, a no-brainer at $1/pop.
And the #1 Google search result for distributed social software (that didn’t take long)
The Link Prediction Problem for Social Networks
Given a snapshot of a social network, can we infer which new interactions among its members are likely to occur in the near future? We approach the problem through the “proximity” of nodes in a network.
Jon Kleinberg also has other interesting papers on his site (one on word bursts, others on web structure, small world-phenomena, data clusting. His course on The Structure of Information Networks looks immensely interesting; lots of links (toread).
q: Is it feasible to precalc or rt approximate relationship proximity via # of connections, other arbitrary reputation/network properties
related: LINKED: The New Science of Networks – How Everything is Connected to Everything Else and What it Means for Science, Business and Everyday Life
Russell Beattie writes about UI Heirarchies, starting with high praise for the iPod UI:
There’s the picture of the iPod’s user interface again. I just think it’s so clear, consistent and easy to understand and use by just about everyone. My Mom could easily navigate that menuing system. Apple could have put buttons and drop downs and a whole load of crap on that UI, but they didn’t. They kept it insanely clean and easy to use. I think this is the nicest gadget interface there is.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I love my iPod, but personally, I get aggravated by its UI. Perhaps it’s just me, but it just seems like its missing some really obvious things
- The touch-button holding down play to turn it off – doesn’t work for me half-the time; so annoying; having an option beep/flash or something when it turns off would also be nice (w/o a real off button, there’s no tactile feedback)
- If you’re playing something and you go to browse and play something else, you can’t just select it w/ the action button to play, you have to hit the play button twice. Once which pauses what you’re playing and a second time to play what you’ve highlighted. Don’t ask
- Why isn’t there a way to fast-forward to the next album in album shuffle mode? It seems so obvious to me that it’s mind-boggling that it’s not there; maybe I’m using the wrong keys or something, but neither poking around or flipping through the manual has shown a way
Ouch, take a look at this new IE exploit. I wonder how long it’s been in use in the wild? Hook it up to some JS status mouseover, and you have yourself a pretty convincing fraud potential (just in time for xmas shopping!). via Simon
Not a problem if you’re using a better browser, of course.
[To elaborate, yes the user@domain attack affects all browsers; that’s just URI syntax for you, and yeah, there are people suckered all the time by this. But w/ this 0x01 flaw, I suspect it’ll catch a whole lot of people off-guard who would otherwise ‘know better’; if you click on a link from an untrusted site, this attack can pretty much be made completely transparent (on the surface).]
Emerging from a full night’s sleep (that was fun). Caught Something for Rockets at the Echo last night. They were quite fun, will be getting a copy of their demo/EP from a friend of a friend, so I’ll throw something up here when I get it.
Quick linkdump:
- HP ad: You blog, don’t you? (yes, but I wouldn’t be caught dead buying HP consumer electronics)
- – daily music news and reviews
- Freevo vs MythTV – well, I don’t watch TV, so one less thing to worry about; see TiVo Goes After Sites Hosting Image Backups
- foobar2000 – ‘advanced audio player for the Windows platform’, with ReplayGain and lots of other support; wonder how hard it’d be to customize the UI…
- Interviewing With An Intelligence Agency (or, A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Fort Meade) [PDF]
- Veen switches sidelinks to – sidelink + bookmark integration; great
- jeremey zawodny: My 2004 Crystal Ball: Search, Social Networks, Reputation, RSS
- NYTimes: The Dean Connection
- RIAA Information Awareness Activism (RIAA) – need to get myself some of these stickers
- The Onion AV Club: The Least Essential Albums of 2003 – wow, who knew this even existed? The Acoustic Coffee House Presents: A Female Tribute To Creed
- RIAA Radar Charts: RIAA Radar Indie 100 – guilt-free album buying; well, not if you’re buying some of these albums… also you’d think some of these labels obviously *are* RIAA (New Line Records?)
- future ref: me babbling on ‘why web is different’ (see also dg); blogs are also distributed and E2E
- eXchangeable Faceted Metadata Language
- T-mobile Sidekick (Black & White) / SprintPCS Treo 600 Comparison – yeah, need to get back to working on this stuff
Clawing my eyes out coding up some monster forms… Actually launched Dreamweaver; I have no idea if that’s actually less painful or not. However, a good opportunity to try some new(ish) stuff
- Teacher to 1st-graders: Santa is fake – Parents irate after class told that Santa Claus is ‘make-believe’
Donzelli said the school’s principal “had a real stern conversation” with the teacher. But there will be no written reprimand because she did not violate any school district policy.
“We have no Santa clause,” Donzelli said. “We would think that teachers would use better judgment.”
- AT&T Wireless Fumbles Number Portability
- It’s not going to get any better. –
I work for AT&T Wireless…
(quite interesting thread, as you might imagine) - Cell Hell
“You are holding my number hostage,” I said. “That’s not a porting issue. It’s some strange act of sabotage. What you are doing is a violation of FCC regulations. May I speak to another supervisor?”
“You can, but he’ll just tell you the same thing,” Lance said.
“I’m reporting you to the FCC,” I said.
“I understand, sir,” Lance said.
- ‘Just Bring ’em In From Space’ – An Interview With the Creators of Aqua Teen Hunger Force
- Tough New Tactics by U.S. Tighten Grip on Iraq Towns
“With a heavy dose of fear and violence, and a lot of money for projects, I think we can convince these people that we are here to help them,” Colonel Sassaman said.
- The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012
- Five Geek Social Fallacies
Geek Social Fallacy #4: Friendship Is Transitive
Every carrier of GSF4 has, at some point, said:
“Wouldn’t it be great to get all my groups of friends into one place for one big happy party?!”
Arguably, Friendster was designed by a GSF4 carrier.
- MobyDock – Apple Dock-clone for Windows; see Matt’s post