VimR is a new OS X native vim app. Pretty cool.
Interesting looking affordable hand position tracking/future haptics interface (discussion:
I mentioned in my last post buying a crappy keyboard to use. It’s been making me itch for a better travel keyboard. There are some good 60% keyboards…
Vortex PKX7000 Pure Pro Blue LED Backlit Mechanical Keyboard (Brown Cherry MX) – the most practical option. It’s in stock, reasonably priced ($115), and has a layout that’s similar to the HHKB but with full arrow keys.- Matias 60% – this is also interesting because it has a full nav cluster, although it’s a few months away at best.
- Smart 68 – lets see how far this rabbit hole goes. Instead of the regular 15×5 60%, this is a 16×5. So pretty. It looks like it’ll be about $300 w/o switches/keycaps?
- At that point you start wondering about how much it’d cost to build your own perfect keyboard. Mine would probably be close to what Oobly built or like a 2-handed Orbweaver or something…
I’ve spent a bunch of time the past couple weeks diving back into node.js and into node-webkit. I started building a prototype in “native” node-webkit, but went back to separating the core app as a traditional (express-based) web app so that it can be used both online and locally more easily.
Between that and work, I haven’t been exploring Berlin as much the past few weeks (plus the weather has been sort of wet and cold), but I’ll try to be doing some of that the next couple weeks before I end up back in the US.