+1 Week Update

This marks my first week off from work. Since I’m not reporting to anybody, I figured I’d try to insert some accountability into this whole process so I don’t slack too much (although some unplugged unwind time is in the cards soon). I thought I’d recount some of what I’ve been up to and some of the things I’m hoping to get done next.

  • I spent the beginning of the week recovering from ETech and SXSW — I fell right asleep when I got home on Monday morning. I think I’m all wrapped up with the SXSWm and SXSWi recaps. An ETech one will be forthcoming this week.
  • As I mentioned, I’m keeping an internal weblog/daily journal to keep focus of my accomplishments and next tasks. I’m in the process of adapting and old XML-RPC Dashboard Widget for easier posting, so expect to see that online soon
  • I’m committing to being less of a shut-in, and went out to no less than 3 events (I did skip out on weekend events to hack on stuff). I also hit the gym and checked out the “consulting services” (pity partay!). The weather in SF has been beautiful.
  • I’m a bit behind on my development schedule, but I did check in the first piece of new code into my new public SVN repository. I’ll be publishing new stuff in there as I finish it, and I’m planning on doing a lot more technical writeups of the stuff I’m playing with. Plan to see more in the near future. I’m also checking in legacy code in there. Unless otherwise noted, its all Freely available and licensed under the GPLv3.

Stuff I’m working on:

  • I’m writing new stuff/rewriting old stuff in Python so I can publishing it. A lot of the first things I’m working on should make it easier to publish things or automate publishing (like the Flickr Favorites code). And yes, that project we started at ETech will be out soon.
  • I’ve installed the iPhone SDK and am back to learning Cocoa (for a number of projects). You can be sure I’ll be publishing my about being a noob again…
  • I’m also going through books that have been gathering. Good times.