old news, but i might as well get my blog backlog out now, while i’m still procrastinating on my schoolwork.
wp article about mitnick on the hill. the full transcript of the senate testimony on the freekevin site.
phil askey implemented a forum search for his dpreview site. pretty keen. i lurk on some of the forums, there’s some good info on there.
i noticed that on the comment page for tim o’reilly’s conversation w/ bezos followup that philip greenspun had posted a comment:
March 3rd, 2000 5:31 PM
Jeff Bezos is right about shopping carts sucking and 1-click ordering being the right thing… which is why I implemented it at Hearst and MIT Press in 1995 and 1996.
If memory serves, this was before it launched on the Amazon.com site because I used to tell skeptical managers “Yes, I know that Amazon uses a shopping cart but trust me, this is better.”
It is kind of ironic that Seattle-ites pat themselves on the back for being less greedy than people in Los Angeles. Yet Seattle seems to be a magnet for the world’s greediest people. When society hands them $billions for doing something unoriginal, they respond not with gratitude or philanthropy but by desperately trying to bleed the public for the last 5%.
My company (arsdigita.com) is opening a Seattle office soon and if we want to achieve a reasonable modicum of public spiritedness, we might have to import programmers from Wall Street!
Philip Greenspun
although philip’s comments are a bit harsh, i have to say that while i can understand the pressure that bezos must be under seeing as amazon isn’t making money, this patent biz is 1) counter productive, and 2) not acceptable behavior — making the web proprietary will kill the current rate of innovation that everyone (including amazon) is benefitting from. a bit like killing the goose that lays the golden egg…
also on friday afternoon was the jakob nielsen /. q&a. good interview. i like this quote: “In the old days, an operating system was designed to optimize the utilization of the computer’s resources. In the future, its main goal will be to optimize the user’s time.”
there’s a pr0n blog called sexlog. funny. ok, and with that, i think i’m all caught up. that was a good 15 minutes wasted. now back to work (or putting it off).