blogger is up. too tired to post my backlogged posts. my friend gordon (whom i’ll be travelling to sxsw w/ next week) has his own blog now – personally i think that garamond is a bad choice for fonts. if he wants to go serifed (or non-verdana as the case may be) he should try georgia, which is much easier on the eyes… non-related usability observation: many blogs don’t have named anchors to individual posts. blogger doesn’t build that in and doesn’t really offer a human-convenient way of doing it (ie, i use the <$BlogItemNumber$> tag for each post, but that has no relation to the date/time/order it was posted, and i can’t have an anchor just to the date, etc.. something i have to remember when i get a chance to eventually work on some content management code (working on several related projects with that once i get some time and breathing room). hmm, brilliantly convoluted writing courtesy of lack of sleep.

oh, i found a cool weblog analyzer that doesn’t force me to compile all kinds of libraries ala some analog frontends i’ve yet get the time to play with and now maybe never will have to. this webalizer really does look slick. of course, i could write my own evil javascript queries to find out all the gory browser/system details that the extreme tracker gives as well.