Ahh, PCs, How I’ve Forgotten

Yes, my Mozilla leaks memory like a sieve on my Powerbook, but I’ve really been pretty spoiled by using Macs. I just put together a new gaming rig, which yes, is quite zippy, but also seems to have weird funky things, like oh, network data corruption. Apparently, using Nvidia’s network and IDE drivers are bad news for system stability and uncorrupt data (oops!).

Source MD5
Mac (uncorrupt) 9c0b53c07f2e02fbfcbf46a1264a402a
Firefox on Nvidia 2bd3033e581d816e22011e26d5bffa1a
IE on Nvidia c801b2b558209fb1197318c90eed0f6a
wget on Nvidia 3358c3f7b06f06e287eade0bf26639fd
Firefox on Marvell 9c0b53c07f2e02fbfcbf46a1264a402a

The Marvell LAN port appears unaffected since it doesn’t use the Nvidia firewall (which corrupts downloads even when turned off. Also, the Nvidia tools load a local version of Apache, which wastes around 15MB of memory…)