I’m online!

I finally got my net connection set up at home yesterday morning, and an unfortunate power outage led me to revisit my router setup tonight. It turns out that OpenWRT has been going through a lot of changes over the past year, with its latest veresion being a series of “white russian” releases.

Since I wanted to do an set up a captive portal anyway, I reinstalled and have been futzing around for the past couple hours, which, while not horribly productive, has been educational and fun, and most importantly, has not resulted in me bricking anything.

Right now it’s looking like WifiDog is my best bet for generating a captive portal, although I haven’t looked at how the ACLs are set up (I’m thinking that with the proper firewall (ebtables) and encryption setup, it might be possible to both have an open AP and something somewhat secure (I might be better off giving that up on that or just having a separate AP for that though).