Server Swap

Over the next day or so (and already for some), DNS should propagate to point visitors to a new server. The transition was relatively smooth, moving from one Debian machine to another.

  • /etc/passwd and /etc/group files were copied over w/ only minor modifications
  • mysqldump worked flawlessly
  • most of the rest was handled by rsyncing /tmp, /var, /root, and /home directly)

If things go well, everything should be pretty transparent. (The new machine is a faster P4 w/ a couple hundred extra gigs of storage)

Update: hey, I didn’t even notice, but this is the 4000th entry in here. (This count combines entries imported from as far back as 1999) Crazy. Looking forward to spending some time to dust things off a bit now that the J-O-B will no longer be keeping me from personal projects.