Um… Is this thing on?

The blog has lain fallow a bit while other areas have taken priority, but I’m going to do my best to get back on the saddle. I can see now how easy it is to just stop once you get out of the habit… And then how it’s sort of awkward to start up again because… well, enough navel gazing.

One of the causes of much busyness is that I finally got around to the long overdue task of clearing stuff off my plate, starting with quitting work (I finish up at the end of the month), which entails wrapping up with a new revision of the campus-wide portal, pending launch of campus-wide wikis, and piloting of blogs (my involvement with Elgg should be continuing).

While working as USC has been a mostly positive experience, there were too many things on the todo list, and something had to give. I’m really looking to having a least a few weeks to unwind and knock out a number of little projects starting next month.

There’s a ginormous backlog of cool stuff to comment on (locally and on the web), so more soon.