Mail 2.0 blah

While I’m complaining about software, I’ll also mention I’ve been disappointed with Mail 2.0. Simple things like moving messages to folders aren’t exposed in Automator, the Scripts menu is gone, along w/ all my hot-keys, and my favorite extensions are all broken, with no fixes in sight. Also, the vaunted Spotlight works crappily on my 2GB mailbox (expanded in size 3-4 fold by the mbox->emlx conversion). While mail-wide searches are marginally more responsive, inbox filtering is even more useless. If it wasn’t for Thunderbird’s continued beyond-lame IMAP handling, I’d switch back (if GreaseMonkey came out for Thunderbird, I’d probably switch even w/ the retardo-IMAP).

Update on AppleScripting: I did a bit of poking around, and the Script Menu can be re-enabled via the ‘AppleScript Utility’. You’ll then want to move your old Mail scripts from ‘~/Library/Scripts/Mail Scripts’ to ‘~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Mail’. According to Mail 2.0’s help, you should be able to use keyboard shortcuts, but this appears to be broken (scripts that previously worked w/ the ___ suffix don’t anymore, even w/ the renamed ctrl). The documentation may be out of date, it mentions and ‘Update Scripts Menu’ option when that option doesn’t exist anymore. Here’s a coversation on the Apple support forums about the script menu funkiness.