I’ve set up Trac at work twice now. I haven’t had too many problems with that, but it is a couple of steps on Debian.

While not perfect, it is the closest I’ve seen to an integrated SCM/PM/KM tool. Also, it’s progressing pretty well. v0.8 and v0.9 should add most of the missing features that I’d like. It’s written in Python and Clearsilver and is GPL’d.


  • CVSTrac – similar functionality to Trac but simpler and less refined
  • Confluence + JIRA – very nice, in a lot of ways more advanced than Trac (name-spaces, input templates), but commercial software, less straightforward
  • Basecamp – 37signals’ ASP’d PM tool, need to give it a spin

The current biggest things I’d like out of Trac:

  • Dashboard/Summary page
  • Tasks/To-do’s in addition to tickets
  • Blog/news for each project
  • Centralized system w/ namespaces
  • Internal/external messaging/conversations
  • Comments/annotations on any item/node
  • Versioning for attached files
  • Nested components
  • Dependencies
  • Ticket assignment to multiple users, groups