ma says:

Is there a medieval battle at Machine this Saturday night? Yes. Do you have to bring your own beer? Yes. Will there be men and women dressed in full plate armour hitting each other with pieces of metal? Yes. Can you safely watch the action projected next door at the film center? Yes. Is this the best idea ever? Yes. Will there also be monguls, vikings, and centurians? Maybe. Will I wear my chain mail suit? Unclear.

Looks frickin’ cool.

Machine Project announces
“Untitled War”, a medieval battle staged inside the gallery space. On July 17
from 6 to 8pm, armored warriors will engage in gut wrenching, full-contact
combat with assorted melee weapons.

“Untitled War” is the latest project by artist and uber-gamer Brody Condon. Working in the mystical
confluence of contemporary art practice, 3D games, and historical combat
reenactment, Mr. Condon’s work is engaged in locating and fabricating
situations and visual works where computer games and game culture leak outside
of the gaming box and into lived experience. In “Untitled War”. Condon’s
ongoing work on SCA (Society for Creative
) culminates in a full-contact battle royale staged
inside of Machine Project, located in Echo Park Los Angeles.

“Untitled War” is a performative event combining fantasy role-playing,
fabricated history, extreme sports, and computer games. Warriors from various
historical periods from the SCA will endure an ongoing First Person Shooter
Game style Deathmatch battle. Live camera views (similar to the spectator
camera views found in online FPS games) will be streamed online and projected
next door at the Echo Park Film
, creating a game-like viewing experience for those outside the

“Untitled War” is the first one man staging of a Medieval battle in Los
Angeles by Mr. Condon, a former member of the SCA. Mr. Condon’s personal and
collaborative work has recently been exhibited at the 2004 Whitney Biennial,
the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, and the New Museum of Contemporary

Thanks to SCA and the Echo Park Film Center for their generous

More information about Brody Condon’s art work can be found at his website,

Brody Condon also recently created a 650 Polygon John Carmack sculpture piece.