• Bush’s Spending Lie

    Knowing this, it’s all the more extraordinary that when Bush got asked about his spending habit on Meet the Press, this was his answer:

    If you look at the appropriations bills that were passed under my watch, in the last year of President Clinton, discretionary spending was up 15 percent, and ours have steadily declined.

    That isn’t even close to being true. Under Bush, overall discretionary
    spending (i.e., with defense spending included) has increased every single year. It’s now 31 percent higher than it was when Bush arrived.

    But perhaps Bush meant to say, “domestic discretionary spending.” Well, that, too, has increased every single year of Bush’s presidency, and, as previously noted, is now 25 percent higher than it was when Bush arrived.

  • Bush spending increases
  • The Mother of All Big Spenders: Bush spends like Carter and panders like Clinton. – Colorful title c/o Cato Institutue
  • Conservatives Against Bush

    I. Non-Imperialist Foreign Policy —
    Conservatives Against Bush seeks an end to the Neoconservatives (read:
    imperialists) in the Defense Department and the Vice President’s office
    control over U.S. foreign policy. Conservatives Against Bush hopes to
    return the foreign policy reigns back to the Secretary of State and his
    State Department.

    II. Fiscal Responsibility — Conservatives Against Bush opposes the
    irresponsible 2003 Bush tax cut. Conservatives should be balancing the
    budget, not saddling future generations with debt.

    III. Limited Government — Conservatives Against Bush propounds the
    idea that government should only do what it has to do, and, therefore,
    opposes the recent Bush expansion of Medicare or any other further
    expansion of the welfare state.

    IV. Civil Liberties — Conservatives Against Bush is awfully
    rankled by the Ashcroftonian erosion of our civil liberties. We oppose
    the designation of U.S. citizens as “unlawful combatants,” and the
    indefinite detention of any person arrested within the United States.
    We are also troubled by a Justice Department engaged in the War on
    Terrorism that still finds time to foist its morality on the public by
    pressuring Hollywood.