Just blew away the last of my partitions (and my /etc/shadow and other files)and have cancelled my Rackshack server. Awful timing as I’m insanely busy, but the price to be paid for having principles. Here’s the letter I dropped:

I’ve been a loyal customer for the past two and a half years, but regretfully, will be cancelling my account.

My reason for doing so is not due to the level of service — on the contrary, I’ve been quite happy, having practically no network downtime and consistently good bandwidth — but rather, due to your unfortunate licensing deal w/ SCO.

Both for matters of principal and pragmatism (evidence has shown that businesses entering into a legal contracts w/ SCO have increased, not mitigated exposure), I’ve moved hosting providers (definitely inconvenient and something I would have rather not had to do).

Over the years I’ve made numerous recommendations to friends for using Rackshack hosting, but can no longer do so in good conscience.

(I’ve read Marsh’s letter of contrition, but perhaps that could actually be backed up by actions. Say by considering matching your contributions to SCO with a similar or great contribution to open source supporting organizations such as the OSDL, FSF, or EFF)