Dave Louthan, the guy who killed the first mad cow has a web page.

Let me give you a perfect example of what I’m trying to get across here. Vern’s Moses Lake Meat, the home of the Mad Cow. They have been killing Holsteins there everyday, business as usual. Not a single BSE test done. Shipping those carcasses to the same exact places. The burger is ground up by the same machines by the same people and shipped to the same stores. The only thing that has changed is THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN A SINGLE BSE SAMPLE. NOT ONE. Not at Vern’s, not anywhere. I dare anybody to prove me wrong. GOD I wish somebody would.

You people have got to stop buying beef. You have got to stop feeding that stuff to your kids. If you don’t give them any money I guarantee you they will start testing in short order. Vote with your checkbook. They don’t test now because they don’t need to. Consumption is right where they want it to be.

(NYTimes writeup about Dave Louthan)