You Call That a Major Policy Address? – at this point, is anyone surprised? The only policy that the Bush administration has is about keeping power.

Did CNN and MSNBC get hoodwinked this morning? Yesterday, the White House announced that President Bush would be delivering a “major policy address” on terrorism today. The cable news networks broadcast it live and in full. Yet the “address ” turned out to be a standard campaign stump speech before a Pennsylvania crowd that seemed pumped on peyote, cheering, screaming, or whooping at every sentence.

The president announced no new policy, uttered not one new word about terrorism, foreign policy, or anything else. He did all the things he wanted to do in last Thursday’s debate, accuse his opponent of weakness, bad judgment, vacillation, and other forms of flip-floppery, though this time without a moderator to hush the audience, much less an opponent to bite back. And Bush loved it, smiling, smirking, raising his eyebrows, as if to say, “How ’bout that zinger?”

The rest of the column is quite good btw, and does discuss policy.

4 more years of Bush will be a validation both of Rove’s underhanded campaign tactics, and of the idea that the Presidential office is now fair game purely for power grabs and cronyism. That’s not the America I want.