• Carnegie Foundation: Knowledge Media Laboratory – The Knowledge Media Laboratory (KML) develops tools and resources to exchange information, share knowledge and produce innovations that can transform teaching and learning at many levels.
  • KEEP Toolkit – one of the KML’s projects
  • XWiki – Radeox-based Java Wiki
  • PARC: Sparrow – The current state of the web is strongly biased towards reading previously authored documents. Changes and additions to Web pages are solely the purview of the original author. Sparrow Web promotes a different genre of web page: the community-shared page. Like any web page, a community-shared page is originally crafted by a single author, who defines the initial content and scope of the document. But unlike other web pages, a community-shared page can be modified or added to by any interested contributor, and the barriers for doing so are lessened by allowing changes to be made in a lightweight manner. Community-shared pages increase the collaborative capability of the web — interesting, by Bay-Wei Chang (publications, CiteSeer), whom I met last week
  • Google eyes Sparrow to simplify Web collaboration
  • Metawiki – hmm, this I haven’t seen before. Wish I could read French (yeah, yeah, yeah systrans)